About the Finder.

The Price Finder France.

In order to make the best decision, it is good to have all the facts at hand. We are one of the best price and product comparison services in the world, with one goal: to guide consumers towards smarter buying decisions.

Find the right product.

We want you to buy the right product. That's why we gather as many facts as possible, and that's why we've developed one of the most comprehensive filters in the world. Our filter helps you find the products that match your needs.

A huge set of products.

Complete filters - find the right products for you
See what's popular - the most clicked products at the top of each category page
Store and product reviews written by other users.

Find the right price.

We want all consumers to buy at the right price. That's why we collect prices from all online shops we know. You can always be sure that we display the lowest price at the top of our product pages, because no one can fight their way to a higher ranking in the price list.

A huge set of prices across a huge set of UK stores
We display shipping costs and stock status
Price history for each product - see if the price is right now
Alerts when the price drops
Alerts when a store receives a newly released product in stock
Store and product reviews written by other users
Even more benefits with our free membership
If you regularly use PriceSpy, we recommend that you become a member. It's free and it gives you a lot of benefits. For example, it's easier to monitor price changes, write reviews, and save product listings.

Easier to set up and edit price alerts
Save and sync your product listings
Write product reviews.

Download our app.

With our app on your mobile, you always have a powerful consumption tool in your pocket. Apart from all the benefits we mentioned earlier, the apps also contain a barcode scanner, so you can scan barcodes at physical stores and compare prices.

Google play.

Application store.

We are free and always by your side
For you as a consumer, the use of our price and product comparison service is free of charge. We don't make money selling anything and we don't want you to buy more than is necessary. Our mission is to guide you to the best purchase, when you have decided on one.

PriceSpy makes money by signing agreements with stores, whereby we charge them each time you are directed to their website. Either way, we always display all the prices we know, and you can always be sure that we display them from lowest to highest. We always build our service around you, as a consumer.

We started in 2002 as a small hobby business in Ängelholm, Sweden. The founders had the same need as you to make the right purchases, and avoid the bad ones. Initially, the service consisted of facts and prices of products that they themselves planned to buy. Today, we are more than 220 people working to give you the best possible information before you decide on your purchases, and we are now present in seven countries.

Make smarter purchasing decisions with us!